
C Prorgramming and Debugging

  • C fundamentals (unions, structs, typedefs, pointers, pointers vs arrays, etc.)

  • callbacks and function pointers

  • macros and preprocessors

  • scope (extern, static, etc.)

  • linking libraries and ability to work with Makefile and KConfig Files

  • generation of static and shared (.so) libraries

  • Debugging

    • Fluent in using GDB, Valgrid, strace, ptrace, etc. debugging and tracing tools


  • Pointers on C Book by Kenneth A. Reek (highly recommended) - teaches you pointers and other important topics

  • Beej’s Guide to C Programming for basics and fundamental C

  • Expert C Programming by van der Linden, Peter

Operating Systems Concepts

  • You need overall knowledge of working of operating systems

  • Knowledge of userspace linux APIs and syscalls is highly recommended


Last updated